Solidity Tutorial : all about Comments

Jean Cvllr
10 min readAug 1, 2019

Table of Content

1) How to write Comments in Solidity ?

2) The Different Types of Comments in Solidity

3) NatSpec Comments: what are they ?

4) Using Doxygen Tags with Napstec comments

5) Documentation Output with Natspec

5.1) The Natspec Documentation

5.2) Getting Started

5.3) Developer Documentation output

5.4) User Documentation Output

6) Natspec Developer doc : example

7) Natspec User doc : some examples

7.1) Using Natspec to display custom messages in UI

7.2) Dynamic Expressions in Natspec Comments

8) Atom Plugin to auto-generate Natspec comments

Writing comments in any programming language can be a way to explain what a function performs (but mostly why). As programmers, Robert C. Martin states that “the proper use of comments is to compensate for our failure to express ourself in code”. Therefore, they…

